DroidDB Tip of the Month

DroidDB® Tip for March 2017

Using MySQL

You may want to use MySQL to store your data on the desktop / server. This can be done, but there are few things you'll need to do first in order to accomplish this.

But, before you commit to using MySQL, you might consider using an MS Access database (an .MDB or .accdb file) instead. DroidDB works seamlessly with MS Access databases and there is no need for MS Access to be installed on the desktop / server. SYWARE recommends using an MS Acces databases and we even provide an empy (blank) MS Access database you can use to get started (it is in the DroidDB installation folder C:\Program Files\SYWARE DroidDB\blank.mdb or C:\Program Files (x86)\SYWARE DroidDB\blank.mdb).

But, if you still want use MySQL...

DroidDB reads/writes data in the desktop/sever database using ODBC. As it turns out, there are some bugs in the MySQL ODBC driver which causes DroidDB to fail. We have put workarounds into DroidDB to get around these problems, but you have to turn these workarounds on (by default they are off).

There are two places you need to turn on these workarounds:

  • In your application folder, there is a file called MyApplication.ini. Open that file using a text editor such as notepad and change:



  • In your windows folder (C:\Windows or C:\Windows\SysWOW64), there is a file called WCEODBC.ini. Open that file using a text editor such as notepad and change:





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Top rated! I needed a solid database application development tool for mobile devices. I chose DroidDB for Android OS because it provided a way to get a strong product to market quickly. DroidDB is relational, gives me control over form layout, handles macros, and supports events. It works on all Android versions I have tried and is a great companion product to SYWARE’s VisualCE.

Mark Read, President
SyntegraTech, Inc.

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