DroidDB Tip of the Month

DroidDB® Tip for May 2017

Using mEnable with SQL Server Windows Authentication

By default, the mEnable Server service logs on as SYSTEM. If your SQL Server database is using Windows Authentication, the service needs to logon as an authorized user, not SYSTEM.

To set this up, first make sure the SYWARE mEnable Server service is properly registered. To do this, select START | SYWARE MENABLE | INSTALL SERVICE. This will register the service if it is not already registered (it does this quitely, you do not get a visual confirmation).

Then, you have to change the username used by the SYWARE mEnable Server service. To do this:

  2. In the box that says "Find a setting", type "Services"
  3. Click on "View local services"
  4. Find SYWARE MENABLE on the list and right click it
  5. Select PROPERTIES
  6. Click on the "Log On" tab
  7. Click the "This account" radio button and enter the username and password
  8. Click OK and close the services control panel

Lastly, you need to tell mEnable that it is OK if the service logs in as a user other than SYSTEM. To do this, use a text editor such as notpad to create a file with the following in it:


and save this file as C:\Windows\MENABLE.INI (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MENABLE.INI on 64-bit windows machines).


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Top rated! I needed a solid database application development tool for mobile devices. I chose DroidDB for Android OS because it provided a way to get a strong product to market quickly. DroidDB is relational, gives me control over form layout, handles macros, and supports events. It works on all Android versions I have tried and is a great companion product to SYWARE’s VisualCE.

Mark Read, President
SyntegraTech, Inc.

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